Tag Archives: firearms

SB591. Juveniles; Detention in secure facility for possession of certain firearms.

The House Committee of Courts of Justice Criminal Subcommittee recommended reporting this bill with a unanimous 5-0 vote on Feb. 24th. The full Courts of Justice Committee heard the bill on Feb. 26th.

This bill clarifies that a juvenile may be detained in a secure facility if the juvenile is alleged to have  possessed or transported a handgun or assault weapon. 

HB72: Firearms

As of February 8, the Committee on Militia, Police, and Public Safety recommended laying HB 72 on the table.

HB72: Firearms

As of February 3,  Delegate Carrico’s HB 72, relating to firearms and similar weapons on school property, was assigned to Subcommittee #3 of the Committee on Militia, Police, and Public Safety.

SB591. Juveniles; detention in secure facility for possession of certain firearms.

This bill was reported from the Courts of Justice Committee on Jan. 25, 2010, with a unanimous vote.  This bill was read a second time and engrossed by the Senate on Jan. 27, 2010.

HB 72: Weapons on School Property

The MAJDC supports HB 72 because it reduces the possession charge from a felony to a misdemeanor while still maintaining the penalty for those who possess a weapon on school grounds with the intent to use it unlawfully.